Title: Tarm Ruk Keun Jai / ตามรักคืนใจ
Also known as:
Duration: 13 Episodes
Genre: Romance/Drama/Light-hearted
Popularity: top rated/low rated/failure
Air time: Mon-Tue
Broadcast network: Channel 3
Broadcast period: December 8, 2015 --- (ON AIR)
Theme song:
Related: Remake of Tharm Ruk Keun Jai
Producer: Da Hathairat
Director: Paa Jaew
Company Name: Lakorn Thai
Nadech Kugimiya as Nai Singh
Mew Nittha Jirayungyurn as Noo Na
Au Tanakorn Posayanon as Naram (Noo Na's Father)
Diana Flipo as Nong
Tanyares Ramnarong (Tanya) as Character Name
Thongpoom Siripipat as Character Name
Gale Warunlak Sirimaneewattana as Character Name
Go Gosin Ratchakrome as Character Name
Wiragarn Seneetunti (Maprang) as Character Name
Wiwit Bawornkeeratikajorn (Tee AF4) as Character Name
Chain Techin Pinchatree as Character Name
Gade Thanya Rattanamalakul as Character Name
Penpeth Penkul (Jeb) as Character Name
Montri Janeaksorn (Pu) as Character Name
Vasana Sittivej as Character Name
A romantic, easy going story taken place at a farm. Nadech will take on a farm owner name Singh. Mew plays Noona who has been estranged from her long lost father, played by Au and she will be on a mission to find him. Then turns out Au's character, Ram, will fall in love with Singh's sister (played by Diana) cr. lovefia.com
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